Tuff Love's Photo Blog

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In August we went to France to play some gigs - my flatmate Matt Chapman is good with cameras and taking photos but we are not… He lent us his 35mm Kodak camera to take some photos with as my phone camera broke when I threw it at wall. Butttt I didn't load the film in properly because I'm an idiot and none of the photos worked... Then in October we got Matt to load the camera up properly so it actually worked this time and here are some photos from October to December 2014. They are of October/November touring, making stuff and trying to get rid of adreneline before/after gigs. As I said, we are not good at taking photos....

We played the Spite House Queer party in Glasgow in November which was really fun although weird because before we went on to play, everyone was dancing to disco music then we came on and kind of accidently made everyone stop dancing. Oh :/

Julie got ill the night we were played that uhoh. I think this was after we played, when Julie thought she was going to spew (again). Oh dear.

That's my fave t-shirt right now. I like it because it says Butt on it.

Hi you guys.

We played the Lost Map Halloween Party in Edinburgh with Archie Bronson Outfit and others and it was real fun. The most fun thing was dressing up, we went as the Super Mario Bros, and Iain who was drumming with us, as a giant banana. EYYYY! We bought blue dungarees that we'll probably never wear again, although they might be good for intense flat cleaning.


Our mustaches kept falling off because our faces were sweating and the adhersive didn't stick good. It looks like we're holding hands in this picture but we are definitely 100% not.

We met our arch enemies Wario and Waluigi

Heeeeeeere is johnny

Julie sorting out her bag in the house before the London show. Notice how she appears to have a magazine called "Turtlenecks" ?!??!

We played in London at the Old Blue on a Sunday and it was a really fun show. Teen Creeps put it on and in the dressing room upstairs we were bored and full of energy. Yeahhhhhh lust.

This was in Dundee and would have been a really boring photo, but I accidently opened the camera before winding up the film and now there is light leak all over some photos oh god help it's so red it hurts my eyes. At least it's not as boring any more.

Iain: Beat Generator (live)

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